
Hello dear reader,

If you have landed here by a series of clicks and links, I hope you find what you are looking for and I invite you to stay.  If you have come here as my guest, then I ask that you get comfortable and enjoy this journey with me.

This is a new blog and a new experience for me.  I have been blogging loosely for a couple of years, but my blogs in the past have been nothing more than a showcase for my writings and poetry.  With this blog, I want to go on an entirely new and unique journey, and I am looking for interested, and interesting travel partners; that being you-my readers.

This blog, is nothing more than a record of my experiences; the experiences of an expat in a third world country.  I live in Honduras, and it is my aim to show you what life is really like here.

Now I know that Honduras has had very bad press recently, at least based on the news that has come out of the USA.  My goal is certainly not to refute that, because we do have very grave problems here, but I want to allow you, to form your own informed opinions.

A little about me:

First I must say, I am not Honduran, nor do I have any family here.  I am married, and we have two minor children.  We have been living here for well over a decade, and so it is with this ‘marginal mindset’ that I present my blog.

In writing this blog, I am making some wild assumptions about you the reader:  First, I am sure that you are an adult, with a wide tolerance for an occasional rant and outburst (with me trying hard to withhold off colour words);  secondly, I hope that you have access to Google, as I may not be able to go into depth on all the topics and questions that will be raised.  Politics, is very far over my head-in any language.

What you will find here though, is a witty approach to journaling my experiences.  You will see my joys, and my frustrations; you will hear why I want to stay here and why I desperately want to leave.  In all, you will get a first hand experience to travel to a country that you may never have the opportunity to do.  And if you do ever come to Honduras-well then you will be more than well prepared to confront or embrace the things that I have faced.

I am pleased to meet you, and have you as my travel buddy.  Welcome to La Ceiba, Honduras.



Please follow me on my other blog which showcases my poetry and short stories at https://authorsusanmwolfe@wordpress.com

Thank you,


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